Journal of the Medical Library Association
Volume 94, No.4 October 2006
Manesh R. Patel, Connie M. Schardt, Linda L. Sanders, Sheri A. Keitz
Randomized trial for answers to clinical questions: Evaluating a pre-appraised versus a MEDLINE search protocol
Richard Kaplan, Marilyn Steinberg, Joanne Doucette
Retention of retrospective print journals in the digital age: trends and analysisFootnote icon for Electronic Content
Ruth Sladek, Jennifer Tieman, Belinda S. Fazekas, Amy P. Abernethy, David C. Currow
Development of a subject search filter to find information relevant to palliative care in the general medical literature
Michele R. Tennant, Tara Tobin Cataldo, Pamela Sherwill-Navarro, Rae Jesano
Evaluation of a liaison librarian program: client and liaison perspectivesFootnote icon of Medical Library Association’s Independent Reading ProgramFootnote icon for Electronic Content
Mary Shultz
Mapping of medical acronyms and initialisms to Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) across selected systems
Karen Hofman, Andrea Ryce, Wendy Prudhomme, Sheldon Kotzin
Reporting of non-communicable disease research in low- and middle-income countries: a pilot bibliometric analysis
Andrew Booth
“Brimful of STARLITE”: toward standards for reporting literature searchesFootnote icon for Electronic Content
Jill Crawley-Low
Bibliometric analysis of the American Journal of Veterinary Research to produce a list of core veterinary medicine journals
Rose Campbell, Joan Ash
An evaluation of five bedside information products using a user-centered, task-oriented approachFootnote icon for Electronic Content