JASIST 57(11)

Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology
Volume 57, Issue 11, 2006.9

Toward a model of the everyday life information needs of urban teenagers,
Part 2: Empirical model
Denise E. Agosto, Sandra Hughes-Hassell

Ranking indirect connections in literature-based discovery: The role of
medical subject headings
Don R. Swanson, Neil R. Smalheiser, Vetle I. Torvik

Broad exploration or precise specificity: Two basic information seeking
patterns among students
Jannica Heinstrom

Technology clusters: Using multidimensional scaling to evaluate and
structure technology clusters
Arun Vishwanath, Hao Chen

Visualizing the scientific world and its evolution
I. Samoylenko, T.-C. Chao, W.-C. Liu, C.-M. Chen

Classification and powerlaws: The logarithmic transformation
Loet Leydesdorff, Stephen Bensman

Author Cocitation Analysis is to intellectual structure as Web Colink Analysis is to・・・?
Alesia Zuccala

・Special Topic Section on Computational Analysis of Style

Introduction to the special topic section on the computational analysis of
Shlomo Argamon

Learning to classify documents according to genre
Aidan Finn, Nicholas Kushmerick

Feature instability as a criterion for selecting potential style markers
Moshe Koppel, Navot Akiva, Ido Dagan

Structural and affective aspects of music from statistical audio signal analysis
Shlomo Dubnov, Stephen McAdams, Roger Reynolds

A qualitative feature-based characterization of 2D architectural style
Julie R. Jupp, John S. Gero

Modal relationships as stylistic features: Examples from Seljuk and Celtic patterns
Mine Ozkar, Nyssim Lefford
