Library & Information Science Research
Volume 28, Issue 2, Page 169-346 (Summer 2006)
Creation and loss of sociotechnical capital among information professionals educated online
Michelle M. Kazmer
Visualization-based information retrieval on the Web
Sherry Koshman
The self-publishing phenomenon and libraries
Juris Dilevko and Keren Dali
The librarian and the information scientist: Different perceptions among Israeli information science students
Noa Aharony
Use of evidence by nursing students: An interdisciplinary study
Pat Gannon-Leary, Graham Walton, Raffik Cader, Julie Derbyshire and Ann Smith
An exploratory study of the collaborative relationship between teachers and librarians in Singapore primary and secondary schools
Intan Azura Mokhtar and Shaheen Majid
Scatter and obsolescence of journals cited in theses and dissertations of librarianship
Yasar Tonta and Umut Al
A content analysis of Latina Web content
Romelia Salinas