D-Lib Magazine
Vol. 12 No. 3, March 2006
What Do You Do with a Million Books?
by Gregory Crane, Tufts University
Early Modern Culture in a Comprehensive Digital Library
by Wolfgang Schibel, University of Mannheim, and Jeffrey A. Rydberg-Cox,
University of Missouri-Kansas City
From Babel to Knowledge: Data Mining Large Digital Collections
by Daniel J. Cohen, George Mason University
Document Recognition for a Million Books
by G. Sayeed Choudhury, Tim DiLauro, Robert Ferguson, Johns Hopkins
University; Michael Droettboom, Hillcrest Labs; and Ichiro Fujinaga,
McGill University
Debabelizing Libraries: Machine Translation by and for Digital Collections
by David A. Smith, Johns Hopkins University
Text, Information, Knowledge and the Evolving Record of Humanity
by Gregory Crane and Alison Jones, Tufts University
WebWise 2006 Inspiring Discovery – Unlocking Collections: Conference Report
by Stuart L. Weibel, OCLC Research
D-Lib Magazine 12(3)