D-Lib Magazine
Vol. 11 No. 10, October 2005
The CREE Project: Investigating User Requirements for Searching within Institutional Environments
by Chris Awre and Ian Dolphin, University of Hull; Gabriel Hanganu and Tony Brett, Oxford University; and Caroline Ingram, CSI Consultancy
Using Machine Learning to Support Quality Judgments
by Myra Custard and Tamara Sumner, University of Colorado at Boulder
Hierarchical Catalog Records: Implementing a FRBR Catalog
by David Mimno, University of Massachusetts, Amherst; and Gregory Crane and Alison Jones, Tufts University
Development and Assessment of a Public Discovery and Delivery Interface for a Fedora Repository
by Leslie Johnston, University of Virginia
Exploiting “Light-weight” Protocols and Open Source Tools to Implement Digital Library Collections and Services
by Xiaorong Xiang and Eric Lease Morgan, University of Notre Dame
Lund Virtual Medical Journal Makes Self-archiving Attractive and Easy for Authors
by Yvonne Hultman Ozek
D-Lib Magazine 11(10)