Library Hi Tech
Vol. 23, No. 1, 2005
The UNLV Libraries: four years after the construction of a new main library
著者: Eden, Brad
UNLV’s Lied Library: a graphical time line
著者: Vaughan, Jason
Lied Library at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas: post-construction thoughts
著者: Marks, Ken, その他.
What if you build it, and they keep coming and coming and coming?
著者: Starkweather, Wendy, その他.
Lied Library @ four years: technology never stands still
著者: Vaughan, Jason
“If at first you don’t succeed … “: web site redesign at the UNLV Libraries
著者: Felker, Kyle, その他.
Research and Information Services at Lied Library: Restructured, revitalized and planning for the future
著者: Nozero, Victoria, その他.
The evolving Information Commons
著者: Church, Jennifer
Movement toward a predominantly electronic journal collection
著者: Zhang, Xiaoyin, その他.
Branch libraries and technology: impact of a new main library
著者: Brown, Jeanne M, その他.
Library Hi Tech 23(1)