Journal of Documentation誌の2014年70巻6号で、最近シェフィールド大学情報学部を退職したNigel Ford氏の図書館情報学研究への貢献を称えた記念特集が組まれています。Ford氏は情報検索時の人の認知様式に関する研究等で知られる研究者です。今回の特集号には本人やその教え子らによる、情報行動と人の認知やセレンディピティ等に関する論文9本が掲載されています。各論文のタイトルと著者は以下の通りです。
Cognitive styles within an exploratory search system for digital libraries
Paula Goodale , Paul David Clough , Samuel Fernando , Nigel Ford , Mark Stevenson (pp. 970 – 996)
Cognitive styles and the use of electronic journals in a mobile context
Chu-Han Chan , Chen-Wei Hsieh , Sherry Y. Chen (pp. 997 – 1014)
Serendipity and its study
Allen Edward Foster , David Ellis (pp. 1015 – 1038)
Research and practice: A critical reflection on approaches that underpin research into people’s information behaviour
Mark Hepworth , Philipp Grunewald , Geoff Walton (pp. 1039 – 1053)
Genre fiction readers: a quantitative exploration of provided construct ratings
Briony Birdi (pp. 1054 – 1075)
Spanning information behaviour across the stages of a learning task: Where do personality and approach to studying matter?
Jannica Heinström , Eero Sormunen , Sarita Kaunisto-Laine (pp. 1076 – 1097)
Relevance behaviour in TREC
Ian Ruthven (pp. 1098 – 1117)
Untangling search task complexity and difficulty in the context of interactive information retrieval studies
Barbara Wildemuth , Luanne Freund , Elaine G. Toms (pp. 1118 – 1140)
The Information School at the University of Sheffield, 1963-2013
Melanie T. Benson , Peter Willett (pp. 1141 – 1158)
Journal of Documentation Vol.70, No.6