IFLA Journal
Vol. 31, No. 2, 2005
Editorial: Northern Highlights
Lis Byberg
A Voyage Through the Norwegian Library Landscape and Some Challenges on the Horizon
Leikny Haga Indergaard
The Nordic Countries: cultural and library cooperation
Asbjørn Langeland
Library Development in the Electronic Environment: Iceland 2005
Sigrún Klara Hannesdóttir
New Demands Old Skills. A strategy for bridging the competence gap: building competencies in a daily working context
Jens Thorhauge
The Manuscript and the Internet: digital repatriation of cultural heritage
Ivan Boserup
How do Politicians and Central Decision-Makers View Public Libraries? The case of Norway
Ragnar Audunson
Collaborative Information Literacy by Government
Anne Kauhanen-Simanainen
Together We Shape Better Libraries: the Swedish Quality Handbook Project
Christina Jönsson Adrial, Johan Edgren, Jan Nilsson and Susanna Månsby
Nordic Networking: cooperation in Nordic LIS research
Nils Pharo
ICABS A New Approach to International Cooperation
Renate Gömpel
IFLA Journal 31(2)