Serials Review
Volume 31, Issue 3, (September 2005)
Business Models for Scholarly Serials
Robert W. Boissy
BioOne’s Business Model Shift: Balancing the Interests of Libraries and Independent Publishers
Heather Joseph and Todd A. Carpenter
Project MUSE’s New Pricing Model: A Case Study in Collaboration
Melanie B. Schaffner, Judy Luther and October Ivins
You Get What You Pay for? Archival Access to Electronic Journals
Jennifer Watson
Serials Control: Past, Present and Future Imperfect
Tyler Goldberg and Neal Nixon
The Balance Point: Where is the Column? In Search of the “Balance Point”
Kay G. Johnson
Electronic Journal Forum: Defining an “Access Level” Catalog Record Using MARC 21 and AACR2
David Reser and Les Hawkins
Serials Review 31(3)