D-Lib Magazine
Vol. 11 No. 9, September 2005
Anatomy of Aggregate Collections: The Example of Google Print for Libraries
by Brian Lavoie, Lynn Silipigni Connaway and Lorcan Dempsey, OCLC Online Computer Library Center, Inc.
Academic Institutional Repositories: Deployment Status in 13 Nations as of Mid 2005
by Gerard van Westrienen, SURF Foundation; and Clifford A. Lynch, Coalition for Networked Information
Institutional Repository Deployment in the United States as of Early 2005
by Clifford A. Lynch and Joan K. Lippincott, Coalition for Networked Information
An Examination of Citation Counts in a New Scholarly Communication Environment
by Kathleen Bauer and Nisa Bakkalbasi, Yale University
StoneD: A Bridge between Greenstone and DSpace
by Ian H. Witten, David Bainbridge, Chi-Yu Huang and Katherine J. Don, University of Waikato; and Robert Tansley, Hewlett-Packard Labs
Parallel Text Searching on a Beowulf Cluster using SRW
by Ralph R. LeVan, Thomas B. Hickey, and Jenny Toves, OCLC Online Computer Library Center, Inc.
Social Terminology Enhancement through Vernacular Engagement:: Exploring Collaborative Annotation to Encourage Interaction with Museum Collections
by David Bearman and Jennifer Trant, Archives & Museum Informatics
D-Lib Magazine 11(9)