Journal of Information Science
Volume 31, No. 3, June 1 2005
Offer Drori and Ehud Tamir
Display of search results in Hebrew: a comparison study between Google and LCC&K interface
I. -Ching Hsu and Shang-Juh Kao
An OWL-based extensible transcoding system for mobile multi-devices
J. R. van der Hoeven, R. J. van Diessen, and K. van der Meer
Development of a Universal Virtual Computer (UVC) for long-term preservation of digital objects
Frank S.C. Tseng and Chia-Wei Chen
Integrating heterogeneous data warehouses using XML technologies
Julia Osca-Lluch and Julia Haba
Dissemination of Spanish social sciences and humanities journals
Susan Xue
Internet policy and diffusion in China, Malaysia and Singapore
James Hartley
Refereeing and the single author
Journal of Information Science 31(3)