Library Journal
Gorman Abdicates, ALA Leadership in Disarray
Degree in “Google Science” Offered by Syracuse I School
ALA To Move Annual Conference to Dallas, Midwinter Meeting to Chicago
Bar Opens in Library, Circulation Triples
Reference Desk Installs Tip Bucket
Nancy Pearl Confesses: “I Always Prefer the Movie Version”
LJ Seeks Next Generation Librarian of the Year
RFID Implants: The New Library Card
Speedier service! The Maricopa County Public Library, AZ, has begun a pilot program that implants an RFID chip–loaded with personal information–into patron foreheads.
2005 Salary Survey: Welcome to the Poorhouse
“Do you want fries with that?” might not seem like the best use of your MLIS, but that fast food job is great practice for that part-time reference job you might get in a yearand, hey, it even pays more.
Dewey or Don’t We? The Cataloging Conundrum
As technology advances, is traditional cataloging still necessary or can we just let search engines take over the whole mess?
Marketing Your Library 101
Staff laid off? Books sold? Here’s how to get the most money for that empty building.
BOOK NEWS: Winfrey Launches Online Bookseller
Library Schools To Present Shawls with MLS Diplomas
Dozens Die of Boredom at ALA Midwinter
ALA Conference Show Floor Divided on 18 Levels
ILS Vendors Admit: “None of Our Systems Will Ever Work Together”
エイプリルフールのために作られたLibrary Joural
2005 Salary Survey: Welcome to the Poorhouse
Library Journal April Fool号