Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology
Volume 57, Issue 1, Pages 1-147 (1 January 2006)
Strategy hubs: Domain portals to help find comprehensive information
Suresh K. Bhavnani, Christopher K. Bichakjian, Timothy M. Johnson, Roderick J. Little, Frederick A. Peck, Jennifer L. Schwartz, Victor J. Strecher
Human information behavior: Integrating diverse approaches and information use
Amanda Spink, Charles Cole
Factors governing the consumption of explicit knowledge
Kevin C. Desouza, Yukika Awazu, Yun Wan
Diffusion pattern of the use of genomic databases and analysis of biological sequences from 1970-2003: Bibliographic record analysis of 12 journals
Aviv Shachak
Productivity in the Internet mailing lists: A bibliometric analysis
Victor Kuperman
Interpreting social science link analysis research: A theoretical framework
Mike Thelwall
Relevance for browsing, relevance for searching
David Bodoff
Do-it-yourself information technology: Role hybridization and the design-use interface
Kenneth R. Fleischmann
Word sense disambiguation by selecting the best semantic type based on Journal Descriptor Indexing: Preliminary experiment
Susanne M. Humphrey, Willie J. Rogers, Halil Kilicoglu, Dina Demner-Fushman, Thomas C. Rindflesch
The influence of structural and message features on Web site credibility
Traci Hong
Understanding human-work domain interaction: Implications for the design of a corporate digital library
Hong (Iris) Xie
JASIST 57(1)