Cataloging & Classification Quarterly 39(3/4)

Cataloging & Classification Quarterly
Volume 39, no. 3-4, 2004

FRBR: hype, or cure-all?
Patrick Le Bœuf, archiviste-paléographe, Guest editor

by Patrick Le Bœuf

The Origins of the IFLA Study on Functional Requirements of Bibliographic Records
by Olivia M. A. Madison

Extending FRBR to Authorities
by Glenn E. Patton

Modeling Subject Access Extending the FRBR and FRANAR Conceptual Models
by Tom Delsey

Towards an implementation model for library catalogs using semantic web technology
by Stefan Gradmann

Cataloguing of hand press materials and the concept of expression in FRBR
by Gunilla Jonsson

The AustLit Gateway and Scholarly Bibliography: A Specialist Implementation of the FRBR
by Kerry Kilner

Musical works in the FRBR model or “Quasi la stessa cosa”: variations on a theme by Umberto Eco
by Patrick Le Bœuf

PARADIGMA: FRBR and Digital Documents
by Ketil Albertsen, Carol van Nuys

“Such stuff as dreams are made on”: How does FRBR fit performing arts?
by David Miller, Patrick Le Bœuf

Folklore Requirements for Bibliographic Records: Oral Traditions and FRBR
by Yann Nicolas

Slovenian cataloguing practice and Functional requirements for bibliographic records: a comparative analysis
Zlata Dimec, Maja Žumer, Gerhard J. A. Riesthuis

Implementation of FRBR: European research initiative
by Maja Žumer

FRBRizing OCLC’s WorldCat
by Thomas B. Hickey, Edward T. O’Neill

Implementing the FRBR conceptual approach in the ISIS software environment: IFPA (ISIS FRBR Prototype Application)
by Roberto Sturman

FRBR Display Tool
by Jackie Radebaugh and Corey Keith

XOBIS: an Experimental Schema for Unifying Bibliographic and Authority Records
by Dick R. Miller
