Interlending & Document Supply
Vol. 33, No. 2, 2005
The British Library: its origins, development and future
著者: Brindley, Lynne
Information science as a liberal art
著者: Arms, William Y
Tilting at windmills: BLDSC and the UK higher education community
著者: Law, Derek
A practical line in bibliometrics
著者: Meadows, Jack
The evidence-based academic library: Maurice Line and the Parry Report
著者: Naylor, Bernard
The other side of Line
著者: Dudley, Edward
Maurice Line: a personal and inevitably partial view
著者: Enright, B.J.
Maurice’s management maxims
著者: Line, Maurice B
Librarianship as it is practised: a failure of intellect, imagination and initiative
著者: Line, Maurice B
A lifetime’s change in LIS
著者: Line, Maurice B
Interlending & Document Supply 33(2)