Library Information Update
4(1-2), January/February 2005
People’s Network: the barriers to change.
Asian tsunami: CILIP, Book Aid and IFLA start work.
Aslib: concerns over privatisation.
Google: new Scholar search makes waves.
NHSU: ‘evolves’.
Skills Councils: Lifelong Learning UK is launched.
Advocacy: CILIP gets involved with DfES 5-year strategy.
Online Information: usability, obesity and industry awards.
Cultural value: Demos tries to capture the evidence.
Children’s reading: the Reading Agency and DfES team up.
IFLA: travel grants for August’s Oslo conference on offer.
International: latest from EU, Basra, Iran, developing world.
Public: 150k efficiency probe.
Council: budget, ‘future-proofing’, advocacy in the spotlight.
Defining information literacy for the UK with Chris Armstrong and colleagues from the Information Literacy Group.
What’s in a name?: Debbi Boden and Sue Holloway.
How to win hearts and minds: Helen Howard and Angela Newton.
Supporting professionals in the North: Gareth Johnson.
Consistency, context and collaboration: Jonathan Smart.
Embedding IL into the curriculum: Cathie Jackson and Rebecca Mogg.
Is a standard IL course useful?: Jo Parker.
Assessing students is essential for success: Geoff Walton.
Beyond traditional information skills teaching: Gail McFarlane.
Teaching package for internet research: E. Place.
Bite-sized learning for all Scottish citizens: Rhona Arthur, Carol Stewart and Christine Irving.
Mind the gaps: ‘A’ level students and IL: Maureen Jackson and Linda Banwell.
Intellectual linking: making sense of the dots: Angela Abell and Val Skelton.
Motivating learners to become information-literate: Marian Smith and Mark Hepworth.
The research agenda: J. Crawford and C. Irving.
Start with the learner: how to empowers users, with Jo Webb and Chris Powis.
How do secondary teachers see IL?: C. Wavell.
Learning the vocabulary of education: Anne-Marie Tarter and Caroline Wavell.
Information literacy and independent learning: Rebecca Jones.
From basic to sophisticated levels: Lynn Barrett.
Content management systems: getting it right: David Green.
Clip Board: Edward Dudley
Internet Q&A: Phil Bradley
Just a minute…: Bernard Naylor
Opinion: Bob Usherwood
Mediawatching: Laura Swaffield
Update 4(1-2)