College and Research Libraries
July 2004, Vol. 65, No. 4
The Academic Library as a Gateway to the Internet: An Analysis of the Extent and Nature of Search Engine Access from Academic Library Home Pages
Carol A. Wright
Raising the Bar: An Approach to Reviewing and Revising Standards for Professional Achievement for Library Faculty
Edward F. Lener, Bruce Pencek, and Susan Ariew
Academic Dishonesty, Plagiarism Included, in the Digital Age: A Literature Review
Zorana Ercegovac and John V. Richardson, Jr.
Planning Bioinformatics Education and Information Services in an Academic Health Sciences Library
W. John MacMullen, K.T.L. Vaughan, Margaret E. Moore
Toward a New Venture: Building Partnerships with Faculty
Ada M. Ducas and Nicole Michaud-Oystryk
Library Jargon: Student Recognition of Terms and Concepts Commonly Used by Librarians in the Classroom
Norman B. Hutcherson
College and Research Libraries 65(4)