Library & Information Science Research
Vol. 27, No. 2, (Spring 2005)
Open access to research
Peter Hernon and Candy Schwartz
People, places, and questions: An investigation of the everyday life information-seeking behaviors of urban young adults
Denise E. Agosto and Sandra Hughes-Hassell
Approaches to meta-analysis: A guide for LIS researchers
Kalyani Ankem
Usability of a metadata creation application for resource authors
Abe Crystal and Jane Greenberg
User categorization of public library collections
Jaap Boter and Michel Wedel
End user searching: A Web log analysis of NAVER, a Korean Web search engine
Soyeon Park, Joon Ho Lee and Hee Jin Bae
How experts and novices search the Web
Diana Tabatabai and Bruce M. Shore
Web searching across languages: Preference and behavior of bilingual academic users in Korea
Hae-young Rieh and Soo Young Rieh
About the authors
Peter Hernon
Library & Information Science Research 27(2)