Issue 49. October 2006
・Technology is Only Part of the Story
Main Article
・Creative Commons Licences in Higher and Further Education: Do We Care?
Naomi Korn and Charles Oppenheim
・From Nought to a Thousand: The HUSCAP Project
SUZUKI Masako and SUGITA Shigeki
・Considering a Marketing and Communications Approach for an Institutional Repository
Heleen Gierveld
・e-Books for the Future: Here but Hiding?
Brian Whalley
・GROW: Building a High-quality Civil Engineering Learning Object Repository and Portal
Yan Han
・Wiki or Won’t He? A Tale of Public Sector Wikis
Marieke Guy
・Video Streaming of Events
Greg Tourte and Emma Tonkin
・RDA: A New International Standard
Ann Chapman
・Search Engines: Is Google Building on Shaky Foundations?
Phil Bradley