Library Trends
Vol.54, Iss.2, Fall 2005
Children’s Access and Use of Digital Resources
Allison Druin.
The Information-Seeking Behavior of Youth in the Digital Environment
Eliza T Dresang.
Children’s Information Seeking and the Design of Digital Interfaces in the Affective Paradigm
Dania Bilal.
Teens Are from Neptune, Librarians Are from Pluto: An Analysis of Online Reference Transactions
Virginia A Walter, Cindy Mediavilla.
Just Curious: Children’s Use of Digital Reference for Unimposed Queries and Its Importance in Informal Education
Joanne Silverstein.
Initial Findings from a Three-Year International Case Study Exploring Children’s Responses to Literature in a Digital Library
Sheri Massey, Ann Carlson Weeks, Allison Druin.
Educational Inquiry and Creativity: Developing Digital Resources in Ireland’s Information Age Town
Claire R McInerney.
Developmentally Appropriate Digital Environments for Young Children
Linda Z Cooper.
Creating Metadata for Children’s Resources: Issues, Research, and Current Developments
June Abbas.
Interface Design, Web Portals, and Children
Andrew Large, Jamshid Beheshti.
Library Trends 54(2)