Library Resources & Technical Services
Vol. 49, No. 3, July 2005
Promoting Research and Best Practices in Subject Reference Structures: A Decade of Work by the Subject Analysis Committee
David Miller, Tony Olson, Sara Shatford Layne.
Factors Influencing Competency Perceptions and Expectations of Technical Services Administrators
Norm Medeiros.
FRBR: Coming Soon to Your Library?
Jennifer Bowen.
Rehabilitating Killer Serials: An Automated Strategy for Maintaining E-journal Metadata
David Banush, Martin Kurth, Jean Pajerek.
A Comparative Study of As a Library Book and Media Vendor
Paul Orkiszewski.
Floating Bibs and Orphan Bar Codes: Benefits of an Inventory at a Small College
Linda Ernick.
Library Resources & Technical Services 49(3)