Reference Services Review. 34(2)

Reference Services Review
Vol.34 Issue 2 2006

Creating a composite of user behavior to inform decisions about new and existing library services
Matthew Bejune, Jane Kinkus

The buzz and the reality: when the rubber hits the bibliographic services road in the University of California and what that means for the rest of us …; Rethinking how we provide bibliographic services for the University of California
Sarah Barbara Watstein.

Collaborative reference work in the blogosphere
Jeffrey Pomerantz, Frederic Stutzman

Visual information literacy via visual means: three heuristics
Benjamin R. Harris

Focus group interviewing in the library literature; A selective annotated bibliography 1996-2005
Graham R. Walden

Evolving a new model: the information commons
Mary Ellen Spencer

Reference services in the commons environment
Diane Dallis, Carolyn Walters

Information commons at Brigham Young University: past, present, and future
Michael J. Whitchurch, C. Jeffrey Belliston, William Baer

The information commons as a collaborative workspace
Chuck Malenfant

Evaluating public opinion polls: designing a model for library instruction
Stephen Woods

A tool for all places: a web-based reference statistics system
Michael M. Smith

The Salton Sea: a selective annotated bibliography
William Payne